副园长 Summer Zhang

Summer Zhang, member of the Communist Party of China. Bachelor’s degree in preschool education. Secondary teacher, kindergarten teacher qualification certificate and IB Leading PYP in early years Certificate. More than 10 years of experience in teaching and research management of IB International School. Experienced as a Principal Assistant and IB Coordinator. Complete IB School Leader training, attend multiple IB School workshops, and received certificates.

She has been working as an IB educator more than ten years, and until now, the charm of IB is the motivation that allows her to move forward. Whether as an educator or a mother, she adheres to IB's philosophy --Life-long leaner. In IB school, we motivate children's Agency. Children have their voice, choice and ownership. Children in their daily activities, express their opinions, exercise their rights, and responsible for their own activities. Also, at El Genesis, all children can be "seen." She works with all El Genesis teachers to see children with appreciation and let respect grow with them.